Sunday, June 28, 2009

Semester at Sea

So, folks, I'm gone for the summer, but for most of you reading this, you should already know that. I've been given an amazing opportunity to sail with Semester at Sea to 8 countries in the Mediterranean this summer. Yes, life is tough.

I'm about 2 weeks into the voyage, already 100% sold on the opportunity (Dad, I still don't forgive you for not letting me go when I begged to 10 years ago!), and am so thankful at the privilege I have to be apart of this. We have until the end of August to sail around the Med. ( you one does in the summer) and explore, at will, what adventures lie in front of us; Hedonism at its finest! It is remarkable to have this freedom, opportunity, and time--although none of those words do it justice. It's a good thing I believe in Karma b/c it feels I have a hell of a lot of it these days. is the website. Check it out. Join the following. And sponsor a student to come onboard. I guarantee it will change their life!

Note: This was my first mass email.
Hey everyone!

First off, Happy Father's Day! I'll never get to say it again when I'm in the middle of the ocean so I wanted to say it twice! Plus, Happy Summer Solstice Day! Several of the staff/faculty have planned to have a Solstice Party on the back of the boat tonight to watch the sun set! As you can imagine, amazing views to be surrounded by only crystal clear blue water & sky sky sky. Plus of course all the dolphins & whales that we see on a daily basis swimming in the wake of the boat. Can you spell MEMORIES?

Well, it's officially past the one 1 week mark that I've been onboard and what a process it's been! Living within this shipboard community with almost 1,000 other students, staff, faculty, and crew is surreal. We co-exist in this little world that is isolated from any and everyone, yet life goes on. Classes have started, which has been fun for me b/c daily I have my choice of anything I want to audit. So far, I've enjoyed Sustainable Communities, Intl. Women's Health, Human Rights, and today I'm going to a Philosophy class called "The Examined Life" (I wish you were here, EJ, to take it w/ me b/c you'd LOVE the teacher as much as I do). Plus, everyone on board is required to take a Global Studies class that focuses on the history of the Mediterranean (Adam, you would LOVE LOVE LOVE this class!! b/c some of the stuff I hear in there, you've taught me before)....this, as you can imagine is so interesting given that I'm not the best in History, plus we're about to see everything he is talking about!

Being a nurse here has so far been great. We have clinic for 2 hrs everyday and then I alternate 24 hr call w/ a beeper. There are 3 to the medical team and things overall are chill w/ us. The MD is hilarious which makes time w/ him easy. He depends on me alot for all the emergency stuff, which is nice, since I like that anyway. Initially, it was alot of seasickness--and still remains so, kinda, but its slowed down alot to just random stuff here and there that I'm beeped for. Every other day so far has been rocky, rainy, overcast followed by an amazing day that heightens moral and somehow eases all the complaints from students. All in all, It's a MUCH slower pace than what I'm accustomed to in the ICU, so no complaining here. I get to sit in on classes daily, take 2-3 hr naps daily (yes, EJ you'd be so proud of me!), workout early w/ the sunrise on top deck, take long lunches w/ wonderful interesting conversation (this morning was all about this yr being the anniversary of Woodstock and there is a women onboard who went and was telling me her stories) and wander around daily doing whatever I feel like. Life is grand as a RN onboard! Who would have known yrs ago when I decided to go to Nursing school that it could be this much fun?!

We've got a few more days until we reach Spain and complete our 8 day sail across the ocean. Yesterday we passed 2 small, outer Portuguese islands over the mid-Atlantic plate-the first land we've seen since Halifax, and everyone was so excited! ha. The day was stunning yesterday, so the boat's decks were packed w/ readers, loungers, sleepers, and everyone just enjoying their freedom in the sun, watching the marine life and the dazzling blue water. I really can't tell you how clear it is!

Well, guys, wanted to touch base with you all w/ a total impersonal update email (Amanda, I know you love these). I have so far taken zero pictures (maybe I'm outgrowing the need for a camera the more I travel...?) so can't attach those yet. I'm sure I'll eventually have plenty...

till then...much love, Stephanie Jane

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