Sunday, September 13, 2009

3rd week strong and still taking note of the little things...

"hormone free. All natural" hogs. illegal Mexicans and debates over Obama politics. lovebugs. dirty catfish. 99cent organic milk. 4 wheeler riding with Mom & Dad. heart-to-hearts amongst the hay-stacks. inspirational farming lifestyles. i heart vintage. Crown & Coke. coffee at the farm with a new friend. sweet, juicy cantaloupes. seed swaps. planning the cabin/brick patio. bright pink Obama T-shirts. watching Dad reconnect with his past. Pentecostal penance. lessons of persistence. vegetable porn. seed swaps. persimmons. Stanley. ice cream in coffee. wishing, but accepting that all guys are not men. GRE study sessions. Being in bed by 9:30 so that I can get up early. being frustrated over the things that I'm always frustrated over. Mrs. Weathers. Slow Food Movement. Tarantino films. heirloom tomato madness. being let down. feeling like a black sheep all over again. controlling my internet addiction. lots of self-talk. inevitabilities.

Things that have made me smile...
my amazing cousin & his beautiful wife who enjoy and value time with family--and who both know how to hug for that extra 2 seconds, showing that it matters. being deemed the 'cultured' one of the group!. hearing how "super fantastic" it was to meet me. managing to only work 6 months a year. being told I gave someone the "best conversation of their week". feeling healthy & strong. random book recommendations made to me "because I know you like to read, Stephanie". me plus 4 pots of Folgers = a highlight of someone's weekend. Being told daily how great it is to have me home. My brother not being embarrassed to say he loves me in front of his friends. how excited Buster is to see me when I arrive home. early morning phone calls from old friends. living simply.

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