Friday, April 2, 2010

Meeting With Those I Meet Along the Way

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One of the joys of working as a casual/contract worker is the disposability (is that a word?) of your position. (I say this with huge jest! ) After being shifted between two communities this week, alas - I returned back to Imanpa, where I was posted only a few weeks ago. After a 2 second frustration spell, I thought : "Who the hell cares?" and off I went. As all things do, everything worked out in the end : I'm in a HUGE house, my own garden, nestled in a beautiful valley showcasing the most memorable sunrises and sunsets -- plus it's paved the whole way here! This is nice mainly because I'm fairly easy to get to so two friends are coming for a visit to see what Aboriginal life is all about. Yea for visitors! I think they get a kick out of being picked up in an Ambulance at a Roadhouse - Ha.   Here's to the good life.

As a side note, interesting people w/ a multitude of stories to tell cross my paths often out here. I admit that I sometimes lie in bed at night plagued by the idea that so many of these oldies will die off and their stories will go with them -- thinking that maybe I should be recording tales instead of doling out pills! Nevertheless, one of these men is Brownie Doolan, an old tracker. With a name like that, I'd be interested to know if he knew Betty Crocker. (joke) I recently met him in Finke. Anyways, Old fellow, skin that has seen many moons and a sweet disposition as he spends his days mostly in his front yard watching the world go by. He's been around, for sure, and has seen alot. A body of history. Literally.

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