After reading so much about this company, as well as now owning a pair myself, I've officially come to the conclusion that TOMS is legit. I've blogged about them before or you might be well aware of TOMS already (a store in my hometown in Mississippi sells them now! what?!) as they seem to have reached their tipping point.
For many months now, I have felt very motivated to encourage Blake (the owner) to consider remote Australia in his next Shoe Drop. From my experience here, these communities are definitely in need of shoes to avoid many health problems. It would be a total success....if he's interested. I've now submitted my letter to the TOMS headquarters in Santa Monica for feedback, so hopefully it makes it in his hands. Luckily, one of the students from Semester at Sea last summer worked as his intern and knows him well! As with all things .... life is all about who you know. I'm hoping she'll send him a friendly email herself w/ the letter. I'll keep you posted on what happens. In the meantime, buy a pair of TOMS shoes. They've now got cute wedges....