Monday, September 27, 2010

Center of the World!

It's pretty cool to have sailed to the center of the Earth.
Yesterday at 12:33 p.m. we crossed the intersection of the Prime Meridian and Equator. 
0 latitude, 0 longitude.
I was, however, detained in the clinic after an untimely Code Blue and wasn't able to celebrate on deck.
Nevertheless, sailing this course is not common & I am now officially an Emerald Shellback.
Part of the on-ship ceremony is shaving of heads. I, for one, am thrilled that I've already done it!


  1. After reading the article, I now know what an Emerald Shellback is. Congratulations! Hate it you missed the first celebration with a code blue (hope the person is okay) but hope you got to participate in the rest of the celebration. Memories. I love you. Mom

  2. Are you, at least, going to get a trim? Deb
