Friday, September 24, 2010

Who said Malaria had to be boring?

Medical Team Pre-Port for Ghana. from Stephanie Holcombe on Vimeo.

 For every country we are traveling to, there is a pre-port scheduled the night before arrival for the entire shipboard community. This pre-port is filled with logistics and information for the country we will be in. The medical team always presents on the medical issues in that county. We have decided to make each presentation fun .... because why shouldn't we? For Ghana, Malaria was the major topic of concern. A group of the faculty and staff on board came together to produce the show. It was so much fun acting like a fool.


  1. Malaria certainly wasn't boring. Stephanie Jane, you were great. Loved it. Mom

  2. This was great! I love the "subtle" condom message. You guys did pretty well as an act...I think you are on to something. Loveya, Deb

  3. That was awesome and so creative! Who was the woman with the amazing voice??
