Boston >> Halifax >> Atlantic Ocean. The crossing
over took us 8 days. 8 days at sea! Who would have guessed that it was as clear as it was? I expected a collection of garbage: but was fortunately surprised by the clear, open, blue waters with whales & dolphins happily bouncing around. (this is not to say that our oceans are getting shat on right now w/ stupid people's trash, eroded land runoff, chemical dumping, get the point...) It was amazing to see. The weather was both clear & sunny and over-cast and dark. Everyday was different. The boat swayed & rocked mimicking a cradle...I am convinced now that babies spit up b/c they are in a constant state of nausea b/c of all the rocking we give them. burping has nothing to do with it. As the nurse on-board, I gave more Phenergan shots than I have in years, learned a thing or two myself about a Scopolamine patch and did my best not to hurl on anyone myself...although I kind of did.
Time passed and it was a happy morning when saw the coast of Spain. The past 4 days have been in Spain. Flamenco shows, tapas, sangria, the Dancing Andalusian Horses, Bull Farms, hot Spanish men, beaches,....fantastico! Spain has several things in their culture that I adore.
SIESTA. What a brilliant concept. You rest when you're tired and then get on with your day. From 2-4 the country shuts down while the Spanish ge
t some shut-eye. It's brilliant and I totally embraced the concept. Siesta and tapas: 2 things that we are sorely missing in the US. Tapas brings people together, slows everyone down, and creates a jovial atmosphere around friends at a cafe. Cafes. Outside. Lingering meals. Time! Small plates. Some vino. Cerveza. Ensalada rusa. Siesta. I easily took note.
We left port last night around 2300 and are now "bunkering" (i.e. "getting gas") in Gibraltar. I can now officially say I've seen the Rock, Stait and city of Gibraltar. Sun rise this morning was pretty spectacular seeing Europe & Africa at the same time.
I still can't believe I'm now a 'blogger'. Do I list this on my resume?
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