investment planning with dad. fresh salsa & guacamole. bucket loads of fresh tomatoes that I cook with daily. my french press & coffee grinder. at times, feeling lonely. bike rides. rock climbing. running on familiar routes in Southside. loving and hating the way that 'nothing ever changes'. iced tea. sushi. sailing. warm puppy dog lovin' in the mornings. clean clothes. haircuts. respecting the cute old farmers at the farmers market. bottles of good wine. red beans & rice. afternoons with mom around the house. finishing books. loads of opportunities. future planning. reminiscing over wonderful summer memories. taking care of business. unpacking. big fluffy beds. hanging clothes on the clothesline. missing my best friend. embracing my small town friends and family. unexpected changes. quality sister time. juicy watermelon. writing letters. questioning my direction. fresh tomato soup. giving into a gluttonous magazine addiction. desiring a mentor. having a kitchen to cook in. candlelit bath times. having my car. fresh flowers from the garden. deodorant that works. 80 degree MS weather. hummingbirds. spontaneous mid-afternoon rain. homeade cottage cheese & tomatoes.
For so many reasons, I'm glad to be in MS for awhile. It's great to be around great friends and an amazing family who love me unconditionally. I feel changed, although I can't really tell you how; I've learned a lot, although I can't really tell you what. A lot of the dust that was stirred up this summer will inevitably settle leaving the lessons I learned behind. I yearn for that moment to be able to conscientiously articulate who I am now after such an epic adventure. Until then...I am taking it day by day, trying to dodge as many probing questions as I can as I figure out 'what's next'. Slowly, I will make my rounds, seeing all the old and familiar faces that I know care about my summer adventures. Until then, it's kind of interesting to see who even knows I'm back in the country! A wise man once told me : " You can count your best friends on one hand. "
I am glad you are back home- and we should talk soon- I will try calling you before we head to Ireland on Friday- Loves- Liz