Thursday, February 4, 2010

"31 by 31"

The following is a by-product of my reflection time on New Years Day. Although a month has passed and potentially this could be considered a bit overdue, I still felt the urge to post it given the timeless quality it embodies.

To explain: I was challenged by a special friend this year to re-live 2009 in a very concentrated fashion, focusing on the people, places, events, moments, books, and movies that made 2009 what it was. To simply “bear witness” to the year as it was for me. It was a huge mental push for me to think back through everything, reliving details of so many memories, trips overseas, highlights and lowlights, as well as having the benefit of seeing now with 20/20 vision. It took me all of 3 days to get my thoughts down in the varying formats that I chose.

Below you will find one of the many outcomes from these few days. I share this only because none of my biggest life lessons came easily. Many, if not all, came from years of varying reinforcements, a keen sense of awareness while out in the world and for some, many tears and much pain. I guess this is the process of growing up. I certainly don’t feel as if I have it all figured out, these are just the few things I know for sure. I have aptly named it “31 in 31”. Potentially what I’ve learned will strike a chord with some of you.

( I, no doubt, have many more lessons to go. )

1. True wisdom seems to be the byproduct of authentic life experiences. This is why I seek as many real world experiences as possible.

2. Money is nice, but only makes life easier when it is mine free and clear.

3. My attitude changes my reality.

4. I am capable of extraordinary things.

5. People deserve a second chance, but not a third.

6. My health dictates a large majority of my life.

7. Time heals all wounds…regardless of how I might feel at any singular moment.

8. The time value of money is the single greatest secret I have been privy to.

9. My actions now create memories I will reminisce on and talk about for the rest of my years.

10. If I never act on my desires, I will never truly know for sure what “could have been”.

11. I must, I must: Trust the process.

12. Hindsight is nearly always 20/20

13. Peace of mind is one key. Balance is the other.

14. No matter how hard I try, I cannot tell my heart who to love. Nor can I make someone love me.

15. No one is responsible for me, except me.

16. Nothing is more satisfying than regular bowel movements.

17. It’s not the big things in life, it’s all the little ones that count.

18. Time has absolutely no mercy as it marches on.

19. Not everyone has a 6th sense, but those who do have a really strong one.

20. I officially have my own drum and my own beat. And that’s OK.

21. Debt is the biggest weight in the world.

22. I am a culmination of many lives and many lessons learned by many souls.

23. Understanding the truth sets me free.

24. We as humans are so much more alike than different.

25. I am incredibly lucky to have the family and home life that I have.

26. I am what I eat.

27. If it’s right, it’s obviously right. If not, it’s obviously wrong.

28. A dog’s love and adoration is pretty much priceless.

29. True friends – the ones w/ no agenda, always reliable, and in every way edifying – are extremely hard to come by. These are the ones that matter.

30. When there is a will there is always a way.

31. Life will speak to me if I just listen.


  1. Love it Stephanie....each and every one.

  2. I especially liked 5,6,10,15,16,22,23,29, and 31. However, all 31 musings made me philosophical sit-ups for my brain.

  3. i love it steph! i am priniting and posting on my refrigerator.

  4. I am just now sitting down and reading these. Stephanie Jane, each and every one is so true; a lesson in itself. You have learned more than most in your 31 years. You make me so proud in so many ways. I love you so. Mom
