Tuesday, February 2, 2010

On to the next spot: Ti Tree!

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I'm on to my next community: a tiny little spot right on the main Stuart Highway (that goes from Alice Springs to Darwin directly). It's me and 2 other nurses/midwife here at the moment, responsible for this plus 5 other neighboring communities. So far, all is well. I've already seen alot and realized again why I like this work so much.

I go home every night with so many stories in my head, but what made my day today was a 9 yr old little girl. She came in by herself after school, very poised and articulate, ready to show me the sore on her foot. Aside from the sore, she was so excited to show me she had 6 toes on the foot. Like, soo excited -- as in she was soooo excited! I thought it was the cutest thing ever. We both had a giggle. She left and I thought how much fun it would be to also have 6 toes to show off to unsuspecting strangers!

It reminded my yet again of how the little things are the most important.

The most exciting thing is that my sister will arrive this week. Actually, she is somewhere high over the Pacific as I write this. I am so super excited that I can barely stand it! For all intensive purposes she is already a little Miss MD (she graduates in May) but has arranged for this to be an "away rotation" for school credit. She will work out here for the duration of my assignment with us and have it count in Jackson, MS. How cool is she?

Thanks for keeping up!
Love, Stephanie


  1. SJ- i think that is the coolest thing ever. You and Elizabeth have managed to travel together all over the world. I wish I could share the same experiences with my sister. How long is the duration of your guys assignment? Sending hugs and positive engery your way. Take care- Liz

  2. SJ, "...a little Australian girl with 6 toes." I think that makes for a great chapter title for the adventure novel that you will be compelled to write someday. And, that is very cool that Dr. Elizabeth will be stationed in the outback (aka Jackson, Ms) for one of her rotations.
    Have you helped the midwife deliver any babies? We continue to read with awe and wonder as you carry in down under and over. Are you going to collect any aboriginal art? I'm crazy about it. Love, Deb (and Robert)

  3. I am so proud and happy for you both that you get to take part in your ongoing dream of working and traveling together. I hope you both make special memories in this time together, as you already have with the little girl with six toes. Have a great six weeks! I love you both. Mom
