Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fantastic Recipe

So much better than rice pudding!

Baked Couscous Pudding with Raisins
Serves 6

1/2 c couscous
1/2 c sugar
2 1/2 c whole milk (I used soy)
1 1/4 c  heavy cream
1/3 c raisins
pinch of salt (I omitted)
freshly ground nutmeg (I used cinnamon and cloves)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Place the couscous, sugar and milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the cream, raisins and salt. Return to boil and then transfer to the casserole dish. Grate plenty of nutmeg over the surface. Bake for 35 minutes, uncovered, until the pudding is thick and creamy underneath its golden skin. It is at its bets about 15 minutes out of the oven and it is still good cold, although it firms up as it cools.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. I think Quinoa would be a good substitute for couscous as well. However, lets admit it, roo poo would be good with sugar, milk, heavy cream and raisins (nuts optional). :) I'm sorry, couldn't help myself. I have been taking life way to serious lately. I'm going to try this recipe today! Love you all the way down there from up and over here. Deb
