Friday, April 23, 2010

If I was a....

If I was a month, I’d be April.

If I was a day of the week, I’d be Tuesday.

If I was a planet, I’d be undiscovered.

If I was a sea animal, I’d be a turtle.

If I was a direction, I’d be due North.

If I was a piece of furniture, I’d be a secretary.

If I was a liquid, I’d be glue.

If I was a gemstone, I’d be in a showcase.

If I was a tree, I’d be a weeping willow.

If I was a tool, I’d be a sander.

If I was a flower, I’d be baby’s breath.
If I was a kind of weather, I’d be warm and breezy.

If I was a musical instrument, I’d be a harp.

If I was a color, I’d be mustard yellow.

If I was an emotion, I’d be security.

If I was a fruit, I’d be a Fuji red apple

If I was a sound, I’d be rustling leaves.

If I was an element, I’d be wind.

If I was a car, I’d be a 70’s volkswagon camper.

If I was a food, I’d be farm fresh, in season and organic.

If I was a place, I’d be a hidden valley in the mountains.

If I was a material, I’d be chenille.

If I was a taste, I’d be unforgettable.

If I was a scent, I’d be moss.

If I was a meal, the first of the day.

If I was a game, I’d be tic-tac-toe.

If I was a food, I’d be comfort.

photo credit: 12345


  1. If I were a real Dad I would say how proud of You I am. Love DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Loved each of your thoughts but especially that you would be a 70's Volkswagon camper. I could feel you saying each of the things. I love you.
