Thursday, April 8, 2010

Showcasing Talent.

Come On Go With Us
This group of guys are from where the rich & famous are from: Columbus, MS, of  course! (my hometown)
Sweet, Southern Boys with an irrational drive to "make it", they've been on the road for almost a year, zig-zagging across the US of A. Every story showcasing all the effort it takes to live in a van, drive ungodly amounts of miles, eat on the road day-in-day-out, sleep in strangers' houses ... all for the sake of doing what they love: playing music!, humbles me (& wears me out!). I definitely couldn't do it, but love it that they can. Good, Bad, or Ugly, I simply love it when people follow their dreams. Find out more here, here and here.

Their music is now available on I Tunes.
(Chris, I'm only buying some when "my" porch song is released!)

Daniel Dugan
From way back in the days of the University of Alabama, this guy & I were friends on Capstone Men and Women. We equally pursued the Medical School dream (him, probably more so than me!), but in the end both of us pulled out at the last moment. Again, in the pursuit of following his biggest dream: acting, he moved to NYC and simply made it happen. Well, to be fair, I'm sure "simply" isn't what he would say, given all the time, energy and effort that he's given to get to where he is.

Check out his website or watch any one of his clips. He is so versatile: plays, commercials, TV, movies. After being on NBC's Law & Order, I won't be surprised to see what's next! Actor, talented: Hire him. Amazing guy, not to mention oodles of fun!

Casey Hudetz
One of my dearest friends from this summer's voyage with Semester at Sea, Casey documented nearly all of my travel...thankfully. With him around, I never needed my own camera; It was great! Although I got pretty jealous of how much time he spent with his Mac Computer making all of the videos, in the end, it's what he loves.

He has now made the jump and applied for what he considers his "dream job". After a lot of competition,
he's now officially in the Top 10 from all over the US of A! (this stands for something...)

Check out the website, watch his videos and help make this part of his story! Vote for Case.

The Farewell Drifters
I don't seem to have a very musical family. This is unfortunate and bit of a shock-to-the-system for a talented musican to marry into our family! Zach Bevill (middle in stripes) is the lead guitarist and lead singer for this band. I love their site! He too gives many of his life's hours traveling on the road for his dream: his music. His bluegrass band is great & my free CD from him is awesome! (Thanks, Zach!) My cousin and his wife, Marna Jane, married a fantastic guy, talented musician and a super sweet soul. Support his band and  have a look here and here. Buy some tunes!

1 comment:

  1. So good of you to focus on all of these people. They truly deserve it. Lots of work has gone into where they are. Hope everyone takes a look at your sites. Pretty good stuff. I love you so. Mom
