Saturday, April 10, 2010

April Review: Mighty Goals

pardon the indulgence.....

I’m a planner. This I cannot change. In many ways it is good: I’m the most efficient multi-tasker I know, I process a large amount of ideas into realistic, concerted goals, I am 100% reliable – If I say I will do it, I will, and I make a lot happen in many areas of my life giving me a lot of ‘ticks’ in my own prescribed boxes.

This, however, does not come without a few negatives: I can be annoying as hell when I’ve got a plan in my mind. Come hell or high water, I’m going to make it happen. My father can attest to this on our ‘free’ weekends together – I have him up at the crack of dawn, building, digging, making, or loading, depending on my imposed agenda for the day. That, or I sent him ‘to do’ lists (for me) electronically while I’m away.

Furthermore, I can easily zone out into my own world, ignoring the conversations or needs of those around me. Then, I can get really, really grumpy when something interferes with my flow or my agenda. I’d like to say I’m easy-going (and if I’m not on a mission, I am), but I’ll probably be short and snappy, especially if I have a deadline.


I say all this as part of a recent “1/3 year reflection session” I had with myself. As I discussed in a past blog post, I spent a big chunk of time this past New Years preparing for my year ahead. I diligently mapped out a large scale plan with 3-4 goals in 10 areas of my life : Work, Helping Others, Producing Creativity, Health & Fitness, etc. … Calling these my 'Mighty Goals'.

I used this template to help me.

As part of the large goal, I set aside Review Sessions in April and August to help me stay on track. (And secretly, I’ve been eagerly waiting for this to happen) I’m happy to report that I’m meeting/exceeding a majority of my goals. Things like: buy a farm, complete a Sprint Triathalon, attend an outdoor music festival will have to wait until I emerge from “the bush”!

In case any of you are as nerdy as me in your self-progress (i.e. having an Excel spreadsheet!), I highly encourage you to also take the time to outline your goals & know yourself more. Oprah says this is the what makes a person successful. (And if Oprah says it….!)

I’m happy to share with anyone interested any of the ways that work for me. This can be my financial spreadsheets tracking debt and savings, Life goal outlines, Mind Maps, Lists that I keep posted on visions, pipe-dreams, life achievements and partner qualities…as well as just my mindset. I’ve found that it’s an extremely personal journey of owning and defining one’s own life, but I’m happy to share! As well as….please share your own methods with me. I’m always open to new ideas.

Another bit from my NYears 2010:

What I commit to myself:

Just be Stephanie Jane.

Ask for What I want.

Trust that life will give me what I need.

Relish in my own unique, natural rhythm.

Attempt each day to purposely do one thing for my body, mind and soul. Balance.

Invest in those people and things that edify my spirit.

Be open to all the possibilities. Live life with energy and a 'Yes' mentality.

Don't be afraid to go for the love I want.

Let the people I love know. They deserve to know.

Act the way I want to feel. Own it!

Continue to respect myself more than anyone.

1 comment:

  1. You have a way of saying more,in just a few words,than anyone I know. Each statement makes me just sit and wonder about my own life. Can't wait for you to be home. I love you. Mom
